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with Kat Shannon

Dates: Thursdays, April 10th, May 8th, & June 12th
Time: 6:00 – 9:00 PM CT
Cost: $150 Members | $175 Non-Members | $100 Students
Location: Online via Zoom

Join artist and educator, Kat Shannon, for an online critique group that will focus on project and portfolio development. The group will meet once a month over the course of three months. 

This will be a great opportunity to focus on a specific body of work and receive critical feedback in a supportive environment. In addition to sharing work, the group will discuss project development more broadly, as well as strategies for preparing work for exhibiting and publishing. Conversations will be tailored to the group’s interests and needs for advancing their artistic practice, and how to best move a project forward to completion.

This critique group is ideal for emerging photographers, recent graduates, new practitioners, and/or those making a shift from commercial to fine art work. The focus will be on developing a critical dialog and establishing good self-evaluation skills, in addition to editing and sequencing a series of photographs. 

Participants should plan to focus on a single body of work for the duration of the sessions and should be prepared to screen share their work during each session.

About the Instructor

Kat Shannon is a multidisciplinary artist and educator working across photography, text, performance, and video. Driven by the desire to continually examine the complex role photography plays in our lives, culture, and collective memory, her work uses the image as a tool to explore notions of intimacy, connection, and community.  She holds degrees in photography from Savannah College of Art and Design (BFA) and Bard College (MFA) and is currently based between São Paulo, Brazil, and Orlando, Florida.

Shannon has held teaching positions at Yeshiva University, Brookdale College, Stetson University, Middlesex College, and others, and has previously worked as the Head Curator at an Art Consultancy in New York. In 2017 Kat co-founded the collaborative artist collective Memory Foam through which she curates exhibitions, publishes and collects artists' books and zines, and produces an artist interview series called "Artists Eat Ice Cream."

This critique is limited to 10 participants, with a limited number of student spots available on a first come, first serve basis.

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